Predefined regions proposed correspond to areas within which the wind regime is consistent over time (i.e. similar wind speed variation) and allow to cover areas with the highest density of operating wind farms across the world. Consult the list of predefined regions or locate your wind farm on the dedicated map. The price list for indexes on predefined regions is detailed here.
If your wind farm not located in a predefined region, customized indexes can be generated on demand.
Actual cumulated energy index of the period lasting from January to date, compared to the same period over the long-term reference | Cumul irec Jan to Apr 2021 = 95 % means that the production expected from January 2021 to April 2021 should be 5% lower than the production expected on this period (January to April) on an average year. |
Actual cumulated energy index of the period lasting from January to Date compared to the same period over the long-term reference | Cumul irec Jan to Apr 2021 = 95 % means that the production expected from January 2021 to April 2021 should be 5% lower than the production expected on this period (January to April) on an average year. |
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Actual energy contribution of a specific month compared to the average long-term year |
Index April 2021 = 8.5 % means that the production expected for April 2021 corresponds to 8.5 % of an average year. Ratio April 2021 = 112 % means that the production expected for April 2021 is 12% higher than the production expected on average for the month of April. |
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Annual energy indexes of the past 10 or 15 years, long term wind rose and energy rose as well as extreme annual values experienced (min and max 12-month periods) |
Index Year 2021 = 95 % means that the production expected for year 2021 is 5% lower than the production expected on an average year. Extreme annual indexes are also provided in order to assess the possible range of production variation due to the wind resource within the region (minimum and maximum 12-month cycles as well as 1st and 9th deciles). |
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Full data base of monthly energy indexes over the past 10 or 15 years |
Index January 2021 = 11.8 % means that the production expected for January 2021 corresponds to 11.8 % of an average year. LT Monthly contribution January = 11.1 % means that on average the production expected for the month of January corresponds to 11.1 % of an average year. N.B.: Ratio January 2021 = Index January 2021/LT Monthly contribution January = 11.8%/11.1% = 106%, i.e. the production expected for January 2021 is 6% higher than the production expected on average for January. |
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Average year: Synthetic year representative of the long-term period considered as the reference