Terms of use

Last update: January 6th, 2025

1. Legal information

Welcome to the General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the “GTCU”) of the website (hereinafter the “Site”), property of EOLTECH SARL (limited company with a capital of 17,050 euros), registered in the Toulouse Trade and Companies Register under number 444 164 651, APE 711 2B, whose registered office is located at 8 rue du Colonel Driant, 31400 Toulouse, France - tel: + 33 5 61 15 44 13 (hereinafter the “Company”).

You are hereafter referred to as the “User” or “Users”.

The User can access directly:

The Managing Editor is Mr Habib LESENEY.

The service provider ensuring the hosting of this site is OVH, 140 quai du Sartel, 59 100 Roubaix, France.

2. Scope and enforceability of the GTCU

The Site offers free access to energy indexes (hereinafter the “Free Values”).

Access to and use of the Site and access to the Free Services are subject to these GTCU.

The purpose of these GTCU is to define the rights and obligations of all Users in the context of their access to and use of the Site, as well as in the context of the provision of the Free Services by the Company.

The Company therefore invites all Users of the Site and/or the Free Services to read the GTCU carefully before accessing and/or using the Site.

Users acknowledge that they have read these GTCU prior to accessing and/or using the Company's Site.

Continuing to browse the Site implies unreserved acceptance of the GTCU.

The online version of the GTCU at the time of access to the site by Users is the only one that can be enforced during the entire period of use of the site, until a new version replaces it.

3. Modification of the GTCU

The Company reserves the right to modify these GTCU at any time, the said modifications coming into force as soon as they are put online.

Users are informed of these modifications by all appropriate means.

In order to be able to continue to access and use the Site, and where applicable to benefit from the Free Services, after the updated GTCU have been put online, Users will be invited, the next time they connect to the Site, to take note of the new version of the GTCU and to accept them without reservation.

4. Conditions of access to the Site

Access to the Site is free of charge, and viewing it does not require any prior registration or creation of an account or profile by Users.

Provided that Users have the material and technical means to access the Site (equipment, connections), the Site is therefore open to any User with an Internet connection, subject to compliance with these GTCU.

5. Conditions of use of the Site

The Company grants Users a simple right of access to and viewing of the information accessible on the Site during the period of use of the Site, and in particular when accessing the Free Services.

Users shall:

6. Availability of the Site

The Company makes every effort to make its Site available 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, excluding maintenance operations of the Site, which are necessary for its operation.

The Company shall not be held responsible for any difficulties or impossibility of access to the Site, in particular in the event of force majeure or technical problems due to circumstances and/or technical intermediaries outside the Company.

The Company may, at its sole discretion, and at any time:

7. Company responsibility

Access to and consultation of the Site and the provision of Free Services by the Company are free of charge for Users.

The Free Services are provided free of charge and exclusively for information purposes.

The Company reminds you that it makes no commitment to Users in relation to access to the Site and/or the provision of the Free Services, in particular with regard to:

The Company reserves the right, at any time, to stop providing the Free Services on the Site and/or to stop updating these Free Services.

The Company makes every effort to provide Users, when providing the Free Services, with data that is believed to be reliable. However, the Company cannot be held liable for errors, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses on the Site.

The Company does not guarantee that the information published on the Site, or on sites that may be linked to it via hypertext links, is complete, accurate and up-to-date at all times.

The Company shall not be held liable for any damage caused to Users, to third parties and/or to their equipment as a result of their access to or use of the Site. Users therefore waive any action against the Company in this respect.

8. User responsibility

Users are solely responsible for the use they make of the data from this Site, whether it is provided as part of the Free Services or is freely available on the Site.

The Company shall not be held liable for any consequences arising from Users’ interpretation of the data provided by the Company.

Users must take all appropriate measures to protect their equipment and data when using the Site, and in particular to prevent any computer virus attack.

Users shall not damage the Company's brand image or reputation.

9. Hypertext links

The Site contains hypertext links to other websites or other sources of information managed by third parties.

The hypertext links set up on this Site leading to other websites have been subject to prior, express and written authorisation.

The Company cannot exercise any control over these external sources, the direct or indirect links contained on these sites, and referring to other websites.

Consequently, the Company declines all liability for the availability and content of these external sites and sources, and in particular any advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources.

Users are prohibited from setting up any hypertext links to all or part of the Site, unless expressly authorised by the Company.

10. Intellectual property

irec index® is a registered trademark at the INPI, and of which the Company is the owner.

With the exception of the content provided by third parties, property of the professionals who distribute them, the Company is the holder or the licensee of the intellectual property rights relating to all content constituting the Site.

The general structure and content of the Site, including in particular the source code, texts, animated or still images, sounds, know-how, drawings, graphics and any other element making up the website are the exclusive property of the Company.

Any use (representation, reproduction or modification), in whole or in part, of the Site and/or its contents, by any means whatsoever, and on any medium whatsoever, without the express authorisation of the Company, is prohibited and constitutes an act of infringement.

Site Users may not set up hyperlinks to the Site, whether on their own website, on their commercial documentation, or on any other communication or information medium, without the express prior authorisation of the Company.

The fact that the Company does not initiate proceedings as soon as it becomes aware of an unauthorised use by a User does not mean that it accepts the said use and waives its right to prosecution.

11. Personal data

No data is collected when using the free services, with the exception of data collected by cookies.

12. Cookies

The Site uses cookies.

When users visit the Site, cookies may be placed on their terminal (computer, mobile, tablet).

For all information concerning cookies, we refer you to the Cookies Policy accessible at the following link.

13. Applicable law and jurisdiction

These GTCU are executed and interpreted in accordance with French law.

In the event of a dispute, the Company and Users agree to try to find an amicable solution.

It should be borne in mind that Users of the Site are professionals. In this respect, and in the absence of an amicable solution to the conflict, any dispute will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Toulouse.

14. Contact

For any question concerning access to the Site or its use, Users may contact the Company at any time at the following address:

E-mail address:
Postal address: 8 rue du Colonel Driant, 31400 Toulouse, France


Cookies policy

Please check the Cookies policy on the Contact page